New Moodle Course Request Form
NOTE: If requesting multiple courses, click "Save This and Request Another Course" after each course except the last one.
Click "I am done. Submit my request(s) now." after the last one.

1. Instructor's Name:*

2. Instructor's Email Address:*

A confirming email will be sent to this address.

3. Instructor's User Name:*

...such as: smithj
4. New Course's Full Name:*

...such as: CIS 110-OL1 Intro. to Computers (Spring 2017)
5. New Course's Section Number(s):*

...such as OL1. To combine sections, use a dash: TD1-TD2.
For separate sections, use a comma: TD1,TD2.
6. New Course will be:
copied from a previous course
a new blank course

If this New Course is to be copied from a previous course, please provide the following two items:
      7. Previous Course's Full Name:
      ...such as: CIS 110-OL1 Intro. to Computers (Fall 2016)
8. Previous Course's Short Name (such as: 2016FA-CIS-110-OL1):

Please be accurate so that the previous course can be positively identified.
Announcements are automatically copied. Forums are automatically copied, but without the posts.

 9. This is only for development, the semester and section are unknown.
Yes    No   (If yes, change 5. New Course's Section Number(s) to DEV)

10. Semester when course will be offered:*
11. Non-editing Teacher:

(If you have been requested to do so,
please enter the name of either your
Dean or Department Chair to act as
Non-editing Teacher.)
12. Other Instructions, Comments, etc.: